The Poop My application is a tool that allows you to stay connected with the activity of the Liceo Impulse.OUR PROPOSALWe are a free, secular and privately-run high school, which develops the most of the potential of their students with the greatest need, aimed at generating opportunities for the pursuit of personal development and academic excellence, based on the values of self-respect, responsible exercise of freedom, discipline and culture of effort.This involves considering the student in all its dimensions for the formation of their personality, and include the family in the process of co-ownership.OUR OBJETIVEEliminate the gap of learning in adolescents Basin Casavalle. We develop a high school with a very strong learning culture based on excellence, achieving a comprehensive learning that expand the capabilities and horizon of real and meaningful opportunities for students.Provide opportunities for excellence so that each of our students can be whatever you want to be.